Noeud:Callout List, Noeud « Previous »:Collection of Regions, Noeud « Up »:Program Listing With Areas

Callout List

Attributes : AreaRefs.

A CalloutList element is a list of annotations. Each Callout element of this list, representing a distinct annotation, references an area in a Graphic, ImageObject, MediaObject, ProgramListing or Screen element. This referenced area has to be defined by an AreaSpec or CO element.

A CalloutList element is composed of:

Each annotation Callout contains block elements, giving a description of the referenced area.

The mandatory AreaRefs attribute of the Callout element indicates the area (Area), set of areas (AreaSet) or area pointer (CO) described by this annotation. Its value is the value of the ID attribute of the target element.


    <area coords="2 4" id="zone1" units="linerange">
    <areaset coords="" units="linecolumn" id="zone2">
      <area coords="1 6" id="zone2.1">
      <area coords="5 6" id="zone2.2">
  <programlisting>line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4
line 5
    <callout arearefs="zone1">
      <para>Area 1</para>
    <callout arearefs="zone2">
      <para>Points 2</para>