Marking words and short phrases

The following elements can be used to mark a word or a selection of words. These elements are formatted inline.

Table 3. Programming related elements

<classname>Name of a class, in the object-oriented sense.
<constant>A programming or system constant
<envar>A software environment variable
<errorcode>A numeric or symbolic error code
<errorname>An error message
<errortype>The classification of an error message (recoverable, fatal, warning, etc.)
<function>The name of a function or subroutine
<literal>Inline text that is some literal value
<returnvalue>The value returned by a function
<structfield>A field in a structure
<structname>The name of a structure
<symbol>A name that is replaced by a value before processing
<type>The classification or type of a value
<varname>The name of a variable

Table 4. Command line related elements

<command>The name of an executable program or other software command
<computeroutput>Data, generally text, displayed or presented by a computer
<constant>A programming or system constant
<envar>A software environment variable
<errorcode>A numeric or symbolic error code
<errorname>An error message
<errortype>The classification of an error message (recoverable, fatal, warning, etc.)
<filename>The name of a file
<filename class="directory">The name of a directory
<filename class="symlink">The name of a symbolic link
<literal>Inline text that is some literal value
<option>An option for a software command
<prompt>A character or string indicating the start of an input field in a computer display
<returnvalue>The value returned by a function or command
<userinput>Data entered by the user

Table 5. Other computer related elements

<action>A response to the user event
<application>The name of a software program
<database>The name of a database, or part of a database (field, etc.)
<hardware>A physical part of a computer system (SCSI controller, etc.)
<sgmltag>A component of SGML markup
<token>A unit of information (usually result of lexical analysis)

Table 6. Text related elements

<abbrev>An abbreviation, especially one followed by a period
<acronym>An often pronounceable word made from the initial (or selected) letters of a name or phrase
<emphasis>Emphasized text
<firstterm>The first occurence of a term
<foreignphrase>A word or phrase in a language other than the primary language of the document
<literal>Inline text that is some literal value
<phrase>A span of text. No specific semantic. Used to select some words and provide them an ID or other attribute
<productname>The formal name of a product
<quote>An inline quotation
<subscript>A subscript, as in H2O
<superscript>A superscript, as in x2
<trademark>A trademark
<wordasword>A word meant specifically as word and not representing anything else