Header structure

As said in the section called Document type and general structure, the header of the document is composed of the title of the document, its authors, its publication date, its revision history and an abstract of the document.

Example 2. Header structure

  <title> </title>
  <author>  </author>
  <author>  </author>
  <pubdate> </pubdate>

  <revhistory> </revhistory>

  <abstract> </abstract>

Title. The title only contains the text of the title of your HOWTO. It could be :
<title>The Title-HOWTO</title>

Authors. You can specify one or several authors. For each author, specify, separately, his given name, his family name and his email address. You can optionally add his middle initial, his affiliation, and some other things, non detailed here.

Example 3. Authors information

<!-- First author with minimal information -->
<!-- End First author information -->
<!-- Second author with more information -->
    <orgname>Ren'a dream</orgname>
<!-- End Second author information -->

Publication date. The publication date includes the revision number, and its publication date, on this predefined format :
<pubdate>v1.0, 22 Jun 2000</pubdate>

Revision history. The revision history can contain one or more revision information. Each revision information is composed of a revision number, a date, the initials of the revision author and a short abstract describing the revision. You can, if applicable, insert multiple author initials.

Example 4. Revision history information

  <!-- Latest revision -->
    <date>1 May 2000</Date>
    <revremark>Fixed some stuff</revremark>
  <!-- End Latest revision -->
  <!-- Important revision -->
    <date>4 Jul 1999</Date>
    <revremark>Ran out of control: Complete rewrite</revremark>
  <!-- End Important revision -->
  <!-- First revision -->
    <date>12 Oct 1992</Date>
    <revremark>Initial draft</revremark>
  <!-- End First revision -->

Tip: It is not necessary to include all the revisions in the header, especially if you made a lot of revisions. A possible choice of revisions to include in the header is the latest revision, the major revisions, and, perhaps, the initial write. But you are free to include whatever revisions you prefer, according to the revision history of your document.

abstract. The abstract of the document has to be short and explicit enough, for somebody looking at the lists of all the HOWTO titles and abstracts can easily find its HOWTO of interest.

  How to make think a fish that knows everything.