Main Body

The main body of the document will of course contain the knowledge you want to transmit to others. It can also contain some auxiliary sections, that:

A possible plan for the main body is:

Example 5. Possible main body plan


The introduction section develops the information given in the header, and adds some other things.

The first paragraph of the Introduction section is the preferred place to introduce the authors and to make a longer resume of the document. On the News subsection, you can develop the revision history, given in the header. In the Credits section, you can introduce some people who have contributed to your document, without being an author.

The Copyright and Disclaimer sections are needed to protect your document and yourself. At last, the Translations section can give to the a foreigner reader the translations approved by the authors.

For the Linux Documentation Project to be sure it can distribute your document in the same way it distributes other documents, it is preferable you use the Copyright and Disclaimer approved by the Linux Documentation Project:

Example 6. Sample copyright notice and boilerplate License

  <para>Copyright (c) YEARS AUHTOR NAME</para>
  <para>Please freely copy and distribute (sell or give away) this document in
    any format. It's requested that corrections and/or comments be fowarded to the
    document maintainer. You may create a derivative work and distribute it
    provided that you
      <listitem><para>Send your derivative work (in the most suitable format
	  such as sgml) to the LDP (Linux Documentation Project) or the like for
	  posting on the Internet.</para>
        <para>If not the LDP, then let the LDP know where it is

      <listitem><para>License the derivative work with this same license or use
	  GPL. Include a copyright notice and at least a pointer to the license
      <listitem><para>Give due credit to previous authors and major
  <para>If you're considering making a derived work other than a translation,
    it's requested that you discuss your plans with the current maintainer.

Note: In the copyright notice, you just need to replace YEARS by the year or years during which you worked on your document, and THE AUTHOR NAME by your name.

If multiple authors have contributed to this document, insert a copyright notice for each author.